Netsparker Application - Finding Bugs On Website Pages complite | learnscom

netsparker application - finding bugs on website pages complite

Netsparker Applications - Finding Bugs on Website Pages complite, With the advancement of technology due to countless numbers of IT experts, as well as the creativity of students, teenagers, or among Internet users, with various needs on the internet, some are using it in a positive way, some are not. Use in a negative way so as not to think about the harm that affects others. Like the range of websites whose names are bugs and backdoors, where many people carry out hacking activities on a website, both personal and corporate websites, we often find private websites usually getting defaced, backdoor shells and much more.

Netsparker Application Is a Place To Find Bugs On Website Pages

To reduce irresponsible attacks, the experts also make to anticipate these negative activities. One of them is to use Netsparker which is a website penetration tool

Also Read Netsparker Pricing

The Netsparker web application uses Evidence-Based Scanning technology which automatically verifies identified vulnerabilities by exploiting them in a secure and read-only manner. After exploiting it, the scanner generates Exploit Evidence, proving the identified vulnerabilities are real and not false positives. Since, most of the post-scan processes are automated, businesses can increase their web application security efforts. In fact, when Evidence-Based Scanning technology is paired with Netsparker's built-in workflow tools, companies have a suite of closed-loop web application security solutions that enable them to ensure the long-term security of all their web applications from the early stages of development until they are in a production environment.

Netsparker, also has a fully documented REST API that enables businesses to integrate automated web application security scanning in their SDLC and DevOps processes, thereby identifying vulnerabilities even during the early stages of development.

Also Read Netsparker Pro Download

How do you install it?

The steps for installing the Netsparker software are as follows:

1. Here I have downloaded the Netsparker. then, extract it to the desktop

netsparker application - finding bugs on website pages complite

Extract the software to the desktop. The name of the folder that I named is Cybersecurity.

netsparker application - finding bugs on website pages complite

2. Then open Netsparker Professional Edition.exe as shown above. Just click Next. Later, we will go to agree license. Check in the picture below. After you check I accept the agreement, then you just go next until the installation is complete.

netsparker application - finding bugs on website pages complite

3. Next, we open the netsparker software. Ohh well, before you open it first, you must turn off the anti-virus on your laptop. Well, here I have turned off the anti-virus on my laptop and I opened the software directly.

The features in the Netsparker software


  1. Security throughout your SDLC
  2. Automate security across your SDLC
  3. Your security challenges grow faster than your team. That's why you need security testing automation built into every step of your SDLC.
  4. Automate security tasks and save your team hundreds of hours each month.
  5. Identify the vulnerabilities that really matter — then seamlessly assign them for fixes.
  6. Help security and development teams cope with their workloads — whether you're running an AppSec, DevOps, or DevSecOps program.


  1. See the full picture of your app security
  2. Without complete visibility into your applications, vulnerabilities, and fixes, it's impossible to prove that you're doing everything you can to reduce your company's risk.
  3. Find all your web assets — even those that have been lost, forgotten, or created by a malicious department.
  4. Scan the corners of your app that other tools miss with our unique dynamic + interactive scanning (DAST + IAST) approach.
  5. Always know the status of your repair efforts, via Netsparker or native integration with your ticket and problem-tracking software.


  1. Find vulnerabilities that other tools don't have
  2. Head-to-head tests by independent researchers show that Netsparker consistently identifies more vulnerabilities than any other scanning tool. And returns fewer false positives.
  3. Find more real vulnerabilities with our unique dynamic + interactive scanning (DAST + IAST) approach.
  4. Don't let any vulnerability go unnoticed with combined signatures and behavior-based testing.
  5. Detect vulnerabilities quickly with comprehensive scanning that doesn't sacrifice speed or accuracy.
  6. 4. Next we will do a bug search on the website data.

How to find bugs on a website

That is, when we open the Netsparker application, what we have to do is click new scan, see the picture above

netsparker application - finding bugs on website pages complite

Now, after we click, then we enter the website page that we will look for gaps or bugs. Well this time I will look for bugs on the website

Well, if we have entered our target website, namely

Then continue to click Allocate or yes. After that, the Netsparker software itself will analyze and look for bugs or gaps on this website in detail. well when the software runs. Let's just wait for the software to finish.

And I'm still here in analyzing the website 

Here's an Example of Bug Search Results Using Netsparker Tools

netsparker application - finding bugs on website pages complite

netsparker application - finding bugs on website pages complite

Well, there are a lot of analysis results, but I'll just post it like that.

Screenshot of the detailed results of finding bugs & loopholes using the netsparke tool

And there are still many photos that I haven't included.

Thus the Netsparker Application - Looking for Bugs on Website Pages complite, from the article I made, namely in maintaining a large website, that is, we must fix the weaknesses that exist on our website. Nowadays there are many severe defacers who target the site " and when the The defacer inserts a backdoor into our website through the gap in our website.

Author Febrianus Tambing

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